Actions from West Area Panel meeting 14th December 2022


Deadline for staff to respond: 9am on 19th January


All staff please note:

*Date ACTION Completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not when this form filled in.


(Date outstanding+ ongoing actions were raised)


Designated Officer

Response: including what has been done, what is still to do?

Is Action completed, outstanding or ongoing?

Date Action completed *

or planned completion date?





Justine Harris to contact Patricia Weller regarding weed growth on her estate.

Justine Harris

Justine and Patricia discussed this at the last Area Panel. Patricia will contact Justine when she wants to arrange a visit.





Robert Keelan to follow up fixing the uneven grass on Clarendon Road.

Robert Keelan

Extra soil has been used to fill the holes and make the grass more even.





Robert Keelan to contact Cllr Barnett regarding violent dogs in the West Area.

Robert Keelan

There is a live case in the West team where a tenant has been bitten by a dog from another resident. Investigations continue but as an individual case, it won’t be updated at Area Panel. Robert is in touch with Cllr Barnett on this case amongst others.





Justine Harris to work with Rob Walker to bring a report to the Area Panel meeting in May detailing City Parks contractual requirements and whether they were met and what could be done to improve the delivery of the service.

Justine Harris & Rob Walker

This is an action for May Area Panel.


May 23



Justine Harris to contact Tomas Szalma regarding placement of bins on the Old Shoreham Road and whether it could be moved closer to Bellingham Crescent.

Justine Harris

Justine has contacted Tomas Szalma, to be followed up before the next Area Panel

